I am, if I may brag a little, a pretty good knitter and spinner. I wanted to show off two things I made recently.
First, a sweater for my mom. The pattern is the Perseids Cardigan by Heidi Kirrmaier. I used a thinner yarn than the pattern called for, so I had to do a little adjusting, but it turned out lovely. The yarn is a delicious merino/silk blend.

The other thing is a wrap, which I gave to a friend. It’s a gradient wool; I didn’t dye it, but I did spin it in a particular way to make the colors look like this. It’s the Clapotis pattern by Kate Gilbert.

That’s all. Just showing off a bit!
1 Comment
Barbara · December 8, 2023 at 11:24 am
Beautiful spinning and knitting ~ Love the clasp on your Mom’s sweater!